
RF to Millimiter-wave Instrumentation and Devices

Aveiro - Portugal



Some custom designs: modules, assemblies and complete systems:

Custom assemblies are either fully designed at LC-Technologies or outlined by the costumer. Microwaves and millimeter-wave equipment developments include in house design and fabrication of some specific/critic modules avoiding the constraints that happen on designs concieved using only standard off the shelf modules.


Broadband window 60 - 340 GHz Millimiter-wave window for vacuum vessel. Instrumentation such as ECE (electron cyclotron emission), ECA (electron cyclotron absorption) , Interferometry and reflectometry may use this type of window design. This particular window design on the left consist of a double window with wedged elements made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) material that has excellent microwave and millimeter-wave properties along with good vacuum properties.



Instrument specific modules such as Band-pass-filters amplifier/filter combo or other signal conditioning elements Specially targeting instruments  such as radiometry, spectrometry and reflectometry instruments. These are custom designed parts specially tailored to customers specifications.


We are committed to provide a short delivery time please contact us with your requirements.

Wide bandwidth filter, custom design for 400MHz with 200MHz bandwidth.

L band coupled ressonator very low loss band-pass filter (1.4GHz, bw 30MHz).



Millimeter wave RX converters for beacon reception targeting propagation studies, namely TDP2 beacon of AlphaSat satellite at 19.7 and 39.4GHz.


Another 39GHz down-converter for the Alpha-Sat reception. Self contained complete LNC with dual conversion (top).

39GHz down-converter for the Alpha-Sat reception. Self contained complete LNC with dual conversion (bottom).

A 39GHz down-converter for the Alpha-Sat reception. Single conversion, SSB mixer. External 10MHz reference.

A 4 channels dual band ( 19.7 GHz, 38.4 GHz ) dual polarity (V, H)
 antenna feed and down-converters for the Alpha-Sat reception.




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